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Throughout his career as a researcher and professor, António Borges Coelho has sought to dismantle many of our major historical myths. These include the idea of expansion as a crusade against Islam and the fervour of ecclesiastical institutions that, while invoking faith, spread terror and death in their quest for enrichment, ultimately hindering the progress of modernity. As he frequently noted, in dismantling these myths, he consistently avoided reiterating what was seen as historiographical common sense. Instead, he focused on looking beyond the realms of power to those at the grassroots level who collectively shaped history. His questioning nature and propensity to challenge the immutability of grand narratives imbue him with a dynamic spirit of contestation and controversy that has consistently influenced his work. This reflects the inherent contradictions that drive life. In this context, he has always taken a stance, believing that a historian's mind can never be entirely neutral. Instead, it is in a state of constant tension between objectivity and emotion, embodying the heartbeat of both man and citizen, as he has consistently asserted. Active bibliography : Raízes da Expansão Portuguesa, Lisbon, Prelo, 1964, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1985; A Revolução de 1383. Tentativa de caracterização, Lisbon, Portugália Editora, 1965, 1975, 1977, 1981, 1984; Alexandre Herculano, Lisbon, Editorial Presença, 1965; Leibnitz . O homem. A Teoria da Ciência, Lisbon, Horizonte, n.d. [1969]; Portugal na Espanha árabe, 4 vols, Lisbon, Seara Nova, 1972-75, 1989, 2008; Comunas ou Concelhos, Lisbon, Prelo, 1973, 1986; Questionar a História. Ensaios, Lisbob, Caminho, 1976; Quadros para uma viagem a Portugal no século XVI, Lisbon, Caminho, 1986; Inquisição de Évora. Dos Primórdios a 1668, Lisbon, Caminho, 1987, 2002; Clérigos, mercadores, judeus e fidalgos. Questionar a História II, Lisbon, Caminho, 1994; O tempo e os homens. Questionar a História III, Lisbon, Caminho, 1996; João de Barros. Vida e obra, Lisbon, Ministry of Education Working Group for the Commemoration of the Portuguese Discoveries, Lisbon 1997; Cristãos-Novos, Judeus e os Novos Argonautas. Questionar a História IV, Caminho, Lisbon, 1998; Política, Dinheiro e Fé. Questionar a História V, Lisbon, Caminho, 2001; O Vice-Rei Dom João de Castro, Lisboa, Caminho, 2003; Ruas e Gentes na Lisboa Quinhentista, Lisbon, Caminho, 2007; A morte do Inquisidor-Geral. Questionar a História VI, Lisbon, Caminho, 2007; História de Portugal, vols. I to V, Lisbon, Caminho, 2010-15 (I Donde viemos. II. Portugal Medievo, III. Largada das Naus, IV . Na Esfera do Mundo, V. Os Filipes ). |