The heterodox path of the apostate of real socialism (from Dicionário Crítico [Critical Dictionary]1960 to Maio e a Crise da Civilização Burguesa [May and the Crisis of the Bourgeois Civilisation]; 1969-70) is marked in the final phase by a pronounced tendency towards the "seed of subjectivity," gnosticism, and mysticism, where the anthropological subject emerges as a "poor seeker of the absolute" (História e Utopia [History and Utopia] 1991; O que é a cultura? [What is culture?], 1993; 2003: “Man has merely replaced the word God with the word nature, with the word reason”), a vision that aligns him with the paradoxical "prophetism" of Agostinho da Silva (1906-1994), author of significant readings from the Pessoa locus, Um Fernando Pessoa [A Fernando Pessoa](1959), Reflexão à margem da literatura portuguesa [Reflection on the sidelines of Portuguese literature] (1958) which, after texts and critical publications by Gaspar Simões, Jorge de Sena, A. Casais Monteiro, and before J. do Prado Coelho and G. Rudolf Lind, dialogues within the essentially new hermeneutics chosen by E. Lourenço (1973; 1983, 1986) in the poet of Mensagem [Message]and heteronyms. The exegetical discovery of F. Pessoa, which was conveyed by Presença [Presence](1927-40) with difficult visibility and public adversity, is one of the great tasks to which the critical and essayistic renewal and literary experts have devoted themselves (M.ª Aliete Galhoz, L. R. Guyer, E. Prado Coelho, T. Rita Lopes, R. Zenith, M. P. da Silva, Silvina R. Lopes), engaging with the vision of the philosophy of language and philosophy itself (R. Jakobson, 1973; G. Deleuze, J. Gil, 1999), and freeing the poet from the anonymity to which he seemed condemned, a Platonic target of the Aristotelian crossfire between "pragmatic" nationalism and "realist" internationalism.
Joel Serrão (1919-2008) also contributed to the new scene, from the perspective of cultural history, through annotated editions of Pessoa’s works (Cartas [Letters] to Armando Cortes Rodrigues, 1945; Portugal – Introdução ao problema nacional [Portugal – Introduction to the National Problem], 1978; Da República [On the Republic] 1910-1935, 1979; Ultimatum e páginas de Sociologia Política [Ultimatum and pages of Political Sociology] 1980) and essays (F. P. Cidadão do imaginário [Citizen of the Imagination], 1981).