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His extensive body of work and research, along with his involvement in various cultural institutions, led to affiliations with several cultural societies, including the National Academy of Fine Arts, the Portuguese Academy of History, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Berlin, the Royal Academy of History, and the Coimbra Institute. He was an honorary member of the National Society of Fine Arts, an officer of the Order of St. James, and was also awarded the German Red Cross. His connection to Portuguese Freemasonry is well known, and he even published in the Official Bulletin of the Grand Orient of Portugal. Beyond his ties to Freemasonry, little is known about his political views. However, his frequent contributions to the magazine A Águia — a key platform for promoting the nationalist ideals and messianic tendencies of the Renascença Portuguesa [Portuguese Renaissance] cultural movement — alongside his Masonic affiliations, suggest he likely held republican views. Both institutions played significant roles in fostering and sustaining republican thought during that time. The phrase "the republican sensibility of our youth" ( Discurso pronunciado na cerimónia de Doutoramento [Speech Delivered at the Doctoral Ceremony] …, 1933, p. 18), used by Joaquim de Carvalho to describe his youth alongside Virgílio Correia, further supports this. Active bibliography : “Arte Popular Portuguesa” (I, II and III), A Águia, issues 39, 45, 48, 1915; A Pintura a Fresco em Portugal nos Séculos XV e XVII: ensaio, Lisbon, Imprensa Libânio da Silva, 1921; Artistas de Lamego, Coimbra, University of Coimbra, 1923; El Neolítico de Pavia (Alentejo-Portugal), Madrid, Museo Nacional de Ciências Naturales, 1921 [reedition : Lisbon, Colibri, 1999]; Etnografia artística: notas de etnografia portuguesa e italiana. Porto, Renascença Portuguesa, 1916; História de Portugal, under the literary direction of Damião Peres, under the artistic direction of Eleutério Cerdeira, Barcelos, Portucalense Editora, 1928-1935 [vol. 1 – “O domínio romano”, “Arte visigótica”; vol. 4 – “Cultura”; vol. 5 – “Assistência e cultura”]; Lisboa Préistorica , Lisboa, Typ. de Antonio Maria Antunes, 1912; Notas de arqueologia e etnografia do concelho de Coimbra, Coimbra, University of Coimbra, 1940; Obras, 5 vols., Coimbra, University, 1946-1978; Pintores portugueses dos séculos XV e XVI, Coimbra, [s.n.], 1928; Três túmulos: uma arca tumular do Museu de Santarém: sepultura de Fernão Gomes de Goes, em Oliveira do Conde: moimento do 1º Marquês de Valença, em Ourém, Lisbon, Portugália, 1924; Vasco Fernandes: mestre do retábulo da Sé de Lamego, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1924 ( reedition : Coimbra, University, Institute of Art History, 1992). |