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1911-1974 | ||||||||||||
In around 1967, he was again a pioneer when he wrote «the most detailed, documented and 'delicious' synthesis ever published» on «the art of eating in the Middle Ages» (L. F. de Almeida, «Notas», [«Notes»], RPH, 31, vol. I, 1996, pp. 41-42), a theme that would later be continued within a broader history of daily life. And years later, on the theme of Inês de Castro, reconverting himself like so many others, he invested «man, woman, life, death, love» with a new sensibility, framed now by a nascent history conjugated in the feminine («Os amores de D. Pedro», [«The loves of D. Pedro»]1985, pp. 403-414). Although late, the new history was on its way, delayed by a conservatism cloaked in politics that a new, more independent generation followed as best it could, wielding the torch that from 1911 until the April revolution had sought to illuminate the past paths of Man, whose conceptual scripts had become increasingly complex. But this was a new caesura in the History Cluster of the Faculty of Arts of Coimbra, whose teaching staff had seen the entry of promising figures in the run-up to the April 1974 revolution. These names blossomed in the ensuing period, multiplying, and bringing a new expression to historiography and the teaching of History, while maintaining a specific feature that its school had assumed since its foundation. Bibliography: ALMEIDA, Luís Ferrand de, «Notas sobre a obra historiográfica do Doutor Salvador Dias Arnaut», Revista Portuguesa de História, 31, vol. I, 1996, pp. 31-45; BRANDÃO, Mário Mendes dos Remédios de Sousa, «Biografia do Doutor António de Vasconcelos», in À memória do Dr. António de Vasconcelos primeiro presidente da Academia Portuguesa de História, Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa da História, 1948, p. 32-53; CASTRO, Aníbal Pinto de, «Prof. Doutor Manuel Lopes de Almeida (1900-1980), Biblos, 57, 1981 pp. 773-781; COELHO, Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, SANTOS, Maria José Azevedo, GOMES, Saul António e MORUJÃO, Maria do Rosário, Vida e obra do Prof. Doutor Cónego Avelino de Jesus Costa. Catálogo da Exposição, Coimbra, Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, 2001; COSTA, Avelino de Jesus da, «Prof. Doutor Torquato Brochado de Sousa Soares», Revista Portuguesa de História, 16, 1976, pp. V-XXXVI; EIRAS ROEL, Antonio, «Coimbra, tradición y cambio. La obra de António de Oliveira en la historiografía del siglo XX», Revista Portuguesa de História, 35, 2001-2002, p. 610-637; Faculdade (A) de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra ao País, Coimbra, Tipografia França Amado, 1919; HOMEM, Armando Luís de Carvalho, «Revistas universitárias de História no Portugal do século XX», Revista de História das Ideias, 18, 1996, pp. 339-372; MARCOS, Rui de Figueiredo, «Laços entre a Faculdade de Letras e a Faculdade de Direito no século XX», Revista Portuguesa de História, 42, 2011, pp. 131-147; |